Golden Goop

Glorious Golden Goop! This delightful activity will leave your guests with some golden putty to bring home.

5 oz. bottle of Elmer’s Clear School Glue
2 TB Colorations Gold Liquid Watercolor
1/2 cup (4 oz. or 8 TB) of Sta-Flo Liquid Starch 
We had difficulty finding the liquid starch locally, but found it easily on Amazon
1. Place all of the clear glue into a bowl or cup.
2. Add the gold watercolor to the glue. Be sure to stir it in completely before the next step.
3. Shake the liquid starch bottle to make sure nothing’s settled to the bottom.
4. Pour HALF (about 1/4 cup) of the liquid starch into the glue, then stir very well.
5. Add half of the remaining liquid starch (about 1/8 cup) to the mixture and stir well.
6. Add the remaining liquid starch and keep on mixin’.
7. Knead the mixture using hands. It will feel like thick pudding at first. As kneading progresses, it will transform! After kneading for a minute, check the stickiness and stretchiness of the slime.  Knead for another minute if necessary, but don’t over-knead.
8. If need be, add another tablespoon of liquid starch to the slime and knead for another minute or two.

Thanks to Fun-A-Day for the recipe! 

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